jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

summer holidays......:)

I love my holidays ...

i remember my summer holiday since girl with family and friends. i remember that go a viña and we spent a week in the beach touring the places beautiful. , i have memories of that eat much and i was not worried about anything. my holidays were great i had fun. slept little , buy i did not care.i remember my holiday when visit to south i like the places the nature and recreation how to get milk a cow
 and harvest fruits . i like known natural and beautiful places to spend hours and hours traveling see the ocean and play with the sand and water . Also look at stars at night and camp. The truth is that my holidays were great 

This year i go the summer holiday with the family when you leave the university and count the days to go ...jajaaj....i got the visit to beach the central coast or visit the Serena i don’t know, I hope to really enjoy and share with my family and friends and food much and slept much and play ....and fun and recuperate energies and return the university recharged.
My holiday dream is i like to visit a place that dot no know of the world that pretty and relaxed and little people with adequate weather with beach and mountain with mall and places for enjoy . doing anything, playing the beach traveling  having fun , dancing , with  my family and to visit my  friends  and go places in nature with animals ,.. With my pets...
Ahhhh..... Where is mi holidays...?


martes, 17 de enero de 2012

my favorite website

My favorite website is YouTube
  Because I consider interesting and the use of long
 Here you can see many videos of all imagine what you can see it on YouTube
 I like it because I can see my favorite artists and listen to your music or have karaoke, I can see shocking things that I see on TV or already happened long ago, even on YouTube I can study as there are interactive videos to the subject one chooses.
 How often you use YouTube is varied and depends on the time you have Available but usually about 2 times a week.
 YouTube is an interactive web page and in it everyone can publish their videos is o say is open to everyone and have unlimited access part of users can upload videos, but also in youtube you can create user accounts for to be an official member. You can watch videos and download them to your own computer; internet is a tool to serve the people
at the top has a search bar on the right edge and a selection with the videos you like to see, besides other useful tools that YouTube has is that it has the option of opening channels with the user's preference
and keep records and videos as favorites having an account which is very easy and fast to create besides YouTube can comment on the videos you can see and let us taste the opinion whether or not the video so the owner of the publication of the video can know that is what people think of your video.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

why do i want to be a vet ?


my dream always girl was studying veterinary medicine in order to help and protect animals .had more career options buy  i knew i did not like  
have studied many other things that they were exposed near my home, that maybe were shorter and relatively easy but not, always i like veterinary medicine . then  the decide was easy, have not more that decide to be a vet how difficult was now . have  to estudy without talking life too, becouse the life university is not easy
 is exhausting and stressful  but the experience at the university is something that has to live because it is a new stage in the lives of people where you lern many things .this year has been very special to me , i memory for more time but every effort is worthwhile ,see their  faces and know that you can help.
although it is difficult not want to pay me.
the kind of job i would like to have a clinic in helping them get injured animals and suffering and
alleviate some of their pain and their owners. be in direct contact with animals 
do what i like and deliver the best of my doing what  i love doing my dream and my passion to be a veterinary Excellency.